RPG Writing is Springing Into Spring

Maybe I should say that we have sprung into spring, given that summer is a month away…. RPG Writing is quietly humming along. Just a few updates on what has been going on: As one of the originators of Babel Conference (BaCon), we hosted it for the third year straight. Several of our writers presented both in voice and in …

Please Pardon Our Dust

Oh, my God! What is this? A third post in two days? How can this be? Well, I admit that we do not post a lot in RPG Writing. I am one human being and frankly enjoy tagging, posting, and creating much more than posting on our website. Anyone that wants to assist in those duties (hint, hint) is welcome …


Welcome Our Newest Game: Blood and Insanity

RPG Writing is happy to welcome our newest game, Blood and Insanity! I’m welcoming it a bit late, as the game has existed for months and been officially welcomed into RPG Writing a little over a month ago. Imagine living your nice ordinary life. You could be a college student, an administrative assistant, a politician, a lawyer, a doctor, a …

Better Late Than Never

Apparently, two years behind, the Squiddies were just awarded for 2020. RPG Writing was awarded a Squiddie for Originality and Innovation. Unlike most fleets/organizations that specialize in Star Trek, RPG Writing has never done. RPG Writing was created to allow the greatest freedom of creative writing and the greatest amount of freedom to game managers/commanding officers. For more information, please …

Rumors of Our Demise are Greatly Exaggerated

Every once in awhile, we hear interesting news. According to a certain fleet that shall remain nameless, we are dead and have been. That’s probably the most absurd claim that we have heard. As of this writing, we have over 100 people in our discord. We may not be loud, but we are proud. In the Tournament of Sims judging …

USS Pioneer: Project Delta

Welcome Our Newest Sim: USS Ermiana

RPG Writing is happy to welcome our newest sim, the USS Ermiana! The USS Ermiana comes over to us after leaving Pegasus Fleet. It is a fully manned crew and we are looking forward to its continuing adventures in RPG Writing. Its website is located at https://ermiana.split-world.com/ . Come one, come all and join our newest ship! The year is …

Banning of Poison a/k/a MissyKiller a/k/a GG from RPGW Discord

Today was a sad day in RPG Writing. For the first time, I exercised the Emergency Powers granted by Article IV of the RPG Writing Articles of Organization. I banned Poison from the RPG Writing Discord due to Poison trying to damage RPG Writing’s image within its own discord. Poison had made several other derogatory remarks in the past and …

USS Pioneer: Project Delta

Welcome Our Newest Sim: USS Caelian

RPG Writing is happy to welcome our newest sim, the USS Caelian! It will be joining the shared Trek story group of the 3rd Fleet. Its website is located at https://usscaelian.com/index.php/main/index and its discord is located at https://discord.gg/Dc8yvPNV . Come one, come all and join our newest ship! Caelian takes place in the year is 2390. One year after Starfleet …

USS Kumari banner

USS Kumari is back to cause trouble aid the Klingons!

It’s been six months since the USS Kumari fought the Romulans and rescued Captain Colburn from a Romulan prison. However, the crew were lucky to get out of Romulan space alive and the Luna Class vessel was heavily damaged. With the ship dry docked for extensive repairs the Kumari crew dispersed. Some moved to different assignments, others took a well …

Are you ready to be the next President?

Now is your chance with Palais de la Concorde! Palais de la Concorde is a play-by-forum political simulation in the Star Trek universe for the United Federation of Planets. Members join as Federation Councillors and simulate the government of the Federation within the shared Star Trek universe of RPG Writing, writing legislation, conducting press conferences, and maybe even running for …