10 lucruri de facut cand vine vorba de sex cu iubita ta

Cand vine vorba de intimitatea fizica, sa-ti acorzi timp pentru a face lucruri cum ar fi sa te imbratisezi cu partenera si sa vorbesti este o modalitate buna de a-i arata ca iti pasa. Puteti incerca, de asemenea, sa jucati jocuri care va fac pe amandoi entuziasmati si sporesc excitarea dintre voi. Nu uitati ca lipsa de umezeala in vagin …

USS Kumari banner

USS Kumari is back to cause trouble aid the Klingons!

It’s been six months since the USS Kumari fought the Romulans and rescued Captain Colburn from a Romulan prison. However, the crew were lucky to get out of Romulan space alive and the Luna Class vessel was heavily damaged. With the ship dry docked for extensive repairs the Kumari crew dispersed. Some moved to different assignments, others took a well …

Are you ready to be the next President?

Now is your chance with Palais de la Concorde! Palais de la Concorde is a play-by-forum political simulation in the Star Trek universe for the United Federation of Planets. Members join as Federation Councillors and simulate the government of the Federation within the shared Star Trek universe of RPG Writing, writing legislation, conducting press conferences, and maybe even running for …

USS Trident banner

What if the Federation President was assassinated at Camp Khitomer? USS Trident explores the answer!

In 2293, the Federation opened peace talks with the Klingon Empire after the Klingon moon Praxis exploded due to heavy mining. However, while the Enterprise escorted Chancellor Gorkon through Federation space, two Federation assassins disabled the Chancellor’s ship, Kronos One, and beamed aboard and killed Gorkon. Gorkon’s daughter, Azetbur, was named Chancellor and wanted to push through peace talks with …

ISS Yamato

ISS Yamato joins the group, exploring a new side of Trek

Welcome to CMDRE Nathan Russ, CO of the ISS Yamato! ISS Yamato is a Galaxy Class Terran Battleship set in the Kelvin Mirror Universe in the year 2369. Yamato is one of the Terran Fleet’s most modern and powerful Battleships. She is tasked with various assignments from quelling opposition to the empire to expanding and invading into neighboring territory. Unlike …

USS Pioneer: Project Delta

Welcome to Project Delta: USS Pioneer

Welcome to CAPT Cronin Keys, CO of the USS Pioneer and Project Delta! USS Pioneer is assigned to the Delta quadrant, at the beginning of Starfleet’s exploration initiative for the quadrant by a Task Force of 10 starships. Their base of operations will be the asteroid colony of the Talaxians that USS Voyager encountered prior to getting home. The Pioneer’s …

A Christmas Carol – Faltan Station Style

‘Twas less than two weeks before Christmas, and all through Faltan Station Candy Templeton was prowling looking for news that had gumption. The stockings were hung and then the Ferengi came there. As was Santa Claus who came to judge and to stare. For several months Faltan Station had had a sense of calm. Because with Commander M’Mira there had …

A History of RPG Writing and Its Purpose in the Writing/Simming World

Recent events have forced me to reflect on the creation of RPG Writing and my personal history with various fleets. Briefly, this will summarize 17-18 years of my writing and simming history. On August 28, 2003, while stuck in an emotionally difficult marriage (long ended), I was looking for an outlet. To this day, I do not know the search …