Episode 2: My Kind Of Party

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Re: Episode 2: My Kind Of Party

Postby KendleRJ » Thu Aug 14, 2014 8:14 pm

"Something tells me that he won't be describing us any time soon to anyone of authority," Boomer said with a lop-sided grin. "Besides, it might be fun to let him try to talk his way out of this, after all, he IS in the Empire." She wondered how he might persuade a few of the higher ups to overlook this blunder... or maybe blame it on some underling. It didn't matter to her. As long as he stayed unconscious.

Needa twitched and she touched the tool to his neck briefly. "Let's just move him out of the main corridor. No need to have anyone stumbling over him, right?" She enjoyed that far more than she should have, but crouched, ready to drag his ass out of the way. She could even pose him on one of the metallic struts... but this was taking far too much energy. What it did tell her was that they were almost at the Night Witch.

Looking up at Azaria she met her eyes. "Racist Imperial assholes should be careful who they're talking to." She bent to her task. "Or about."

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Kendle "Boomer" Thrace
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Re: Episode 2: My Kind Of Party

Postby BanksAT » Thu Aug 14, 2014 9:11 pm

Vice shrugged, made the vibroblade disappear, and bent to help Boomer tidy away the witness. _No witnesses is usually a good policy, but I'm the newb here._
Last edited by BanksAT on Fri Aug 15, 2014 8:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
Oliver Toussaint, Michigan Marvels

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Re: Episode 2: My Kind Of Party

Postby Azaria » Thu Aug 14, 2014 11:41 pm

Azaria watched Needa go down with an approving nod. maybe these kids would stick it out after all.

"Good job," she murmured to Boomer, as they bent over the twitching commander. As she grabbed him beneath the shoulders to hoist him up, she smelled something unexpected.

"Son of a GUNDARK! He's been drinking Merenzane Gold!" She looked up with excited eyes and unceremoniously dropped Needa's head back to the floor. "That stuff is worth hundreds of credits a bottle!"

She looked back down at the bigot, and then at her crew. "Who wants to raid the Commander's liquor cabinet?"

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Re: Episode 2: My Kind Of Party

Postby BanksAT » Fri Aug 15, 2014 8:33 am

Oliver Toussaint, Michigan Marvels

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Re: Episode 2: My Kind Of Party

Postby KendleRJ » Fri Aug 15, 2014 2:20 pm

Boomer nodded slowly. "That'll be aboard the Night Witch, won't it?" A slow smile spread across her face. "I wonder... if that ship could be run with..." she mentally counted off on her fingers... 4 from Team Finesse, and the 4 they had here... "8..." (damn, she forgot the arrogant windbag) "... or 9 people as a skeleton crew?" It was never too early to consider their getaway. She had liked the idea of blowing shit up; that was a given. But stealing the ship out from under their noses? A small moment of glee started in her gut and spread upward. Demoralise 'em. Hell ya. Thumb their noses at the Stormies and the bigoted bastards who thought that their image of the Galaxy was the only one out there.

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At worst, they'd have to go aboard her to make sure she blew up, but good. Her mind went over a few possibilities in the blink of an eye; each one making her grin look more frightening. The announcement through the shipyards, introducing the Night Witch, the next phase in Imperial superiority. All eyes cast outward as the impressive ship is unclamped from its moorings to slowly meander towards the waiting crowd, rife with anticipation. They hold their breath as the impressive vessel turns slowly as though showing its audience every possible angle. Then she turns lazily and fully, her back to them all as she shoots off into deep space without looking behind her as in her wake, a series of explosions light up the shipyards like a fireworks display. With actual fire. The Imperials scrambling, their first mission complete and them enjoying a taste of the Merenzane Gold and heading back with a new ship that would make some mechanics happy with the brand new parts they could scrounge.

But that was getting ahead of herself. And they'd need another method of transportation if they were going to simply disassemble it. With extreme prejudice.

Besides, since when did the Commander of the newest ship of the Imperial fleet travel on his own? Didn't he have his own contingent of bodyguards? That was surprising to Boomer to have him show up alone. Maybe he was supposed to be at the party, but the tight ass was over here celebrating on his own... or was he? The dirty devil. "Keep your eyes open for his date?" Boomer said. "Can't imagine the Commander of the Night Witch would head out from the party, smelling of expensive liquor wandering the corridor alone."

She took another look at the man's face. Or could he?

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Re: Episode 2: My Kind Of Party

Postby BanksAT » Fri Aug 15, 2014 2:28 pm

Oliver Toussaint, Michigan Marvels

Amanda Rose
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Re: Episode 2: My Kind Of Party

Postby Amanda Rose » Fri Aug 15, 2014 10:52 pm

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Re: Episode 2: My Kind Of Party

Postby lucasausems » Sun Aug 17, 2014 5:30 pm

The arrival of Team Finesse to the Moff’s Gala went as unnoticed as Dexon had expected. The people who had been invited to this shindig were from a very refined social circle: if they didn’t know you, then you just did not exist. Shimmer silk gowns and nerf hide jackets seemed to be the fashion of choice, but here and there like milling sharks in a small pond Imperial officers in grey dress uniforms could be seen. They were here to fly the flag, as it were, and show that the Imperial Academy bred excellency and decorum into all of its graduates.

Dexon would have noticed this all in a single glance, had his left eye not began to twitch two steps across the threshold. It didn’t hurt, but it was enough to throw him off his game as he took Shadow’s arm and gently walked towards a shuttered transparasteel viewing port that was acting as a wall.

“I knew it...I knew it I knew it.” he hissed under his breath in the relative privacy of closed viewing port.

Lucky Dex made his way into the room. It was all he had expected it to be, and more. Lots of people from the up high society, huddling together in whispered conversations, servants standing near, forgotten until needed. A pleasant tune played by some musicians in the far corner. A cocktail bar in the other. And of course, the oh so familiar stare of a thousand eyes to whoever entered.

Games were played here. Games with high stakes. Political games. It was important to note who attended these festivities, just as it was important to note who was NOT here. Already Luke, or, Lucky Dex in this case, Luke felt the weight of every stare on him. No one would know him here, and this would mean something to them. To some it meant he wouldn’t matter, usually those who were in a comfortable position of some sort of Power. To others, it may mean an opportunity, a new player in the field, a way for them to further their own ambitions if this new and unknown arrival turned out useful.

Naturally no one pretended to care who entered. That made it all the more obvious. The trick was to just play along with the big charade. Now this happened to be something Luke was very good at. But apparently Dexon wasn’t as he started hissing in hushed tones.

“There, there now, my man!”, Lucky Dex hit him on the back, “the perfumed air in here is a tad on the strong side, but nothing a man can’t handle?” Luke’s face was all smiles, but it was actually saying: pull your act together man!

“The air indeed, the AIR indeed!” he snapped, dragging a hand down over his face “This is what I get for working with the ceche section of the talent pool. I can feel it all beginning to unravel you know. It’s the tick, you see: its a harbinger.”

Was it Azaria? Had her team just done something monumentally stupid, such as braining an Imperial navy officer for no other reason than simple expediency? Or maybe it was Othar, leading the newly formed popular revolt of the Kuati lower class. The man might be an idiot to be sure, but he was also an idiot capable of convincing other idiots to step in front of blaster bolts for him. He took in a steadying breath, looking at his reflection in the view port as he forced the tick to come back under control.

“I’m better now.” he said slowly, trying to sound more or less like he was convincing himself. Then without looking away from the closed viewport, he asked “Don’t suppose you can see the Moff? Or maybe his lacky scientist?”

Some might turn to look around upon such a question, however, this would draw unwanted attention. Like everyone, well, everyone except Dexon, it had taken Luke a single offhanded glance through the entire room upon entering to note everyone’s position. A Moff and his lacky weren’t that difficult to miss. Since Luke hadn’t seen them, it meant they were still to arrive, which was quite natural. Important bloaty types such as Moffs always enjoyed a good audience when making a public appearance.

“Not yet, my man (Luke had forgotten Dexon’s code name, so he had decided to stick with ‘man’), though by looking for the crowd, it won’t be long. Fancy a drink?” Without waiting for an answer he stopped a servant in its (yes, “its”, not his/hers, it’s a bloody servant…) tracks and started handing out drinks to Team Finesse.

“None for the help or the spectacle.” Dexon intoned, his voice a gravely sigh of put upon high society. He waved a hand at Shadow and Tav, whose role in all of this were simply described in their titles “I don’t care if I’m not footing the bill, but I will be damned if I will have you spending even the free kindness of our hosts on their sort.”

And then Dexon turned around.

His skin had grown leathery and jaundice in colour, the lines around his eyes and mouth so deep you might be able to fly a snub fighter down them. He looked old, hunched slightly, and his hands worked to hold onto Lucky Dex’s elbow the way the infirm often did. His choice of hair colour for the mission complimented Lucky Dex’s. enough that to a casual observer they might look related: the wealthy foop looking to get into the Great Grandfathers good graces before he popped his cogs. Looking around the room he was not alone in this will snatchers gambit, with young people ‘helping’ their elders around.

He looked up at Lucky Dex with a glint in his eyes.

“What are you waiting for!” he snapped in a gravel laced voice, accenting it with a hacking lung rattling cough “Walk me through the crowd so I might mingle. In my day when one attended a function of this import, mingling was how we made the yearly earnings!”

In any other situation Luke would’ve burst in tears from laughing his wealthy powdered ass off. This time Luke contented with a small smile. “Of course, my man, but do first finish your cocktail. You know what they say about drinking and driving.” The contents of the glass quickly dissappeared and off they went. Luke was instinctively drawn towards a group of fine looking young ladies, rich man’s daughter’s. Expensive drinks in hand, gossipping about anything and everything, eyeing the prettiest boys around, Luke included (well, naturally…).

‘Ladies….”, Luke began, “how are you liking the party so far?”.

“Party.” the old man Lucky Dex’s arm scoffed “Call this a party? Why in my day the Republic knew how to make a man feel welcome at a function like this! Music! Drink! Fine woman folk! But now...its all drab, grey, Imperialistic.”

He waved a hand at the nearest eligible bachelorette that was giving Lucky Dex an appraising eye.

“Look at her! Call those child bearing hips!” he snapped, letting out another coughing fit as said lady gave Lucky Dex a disgusted look and turned about, only to be cased off by the old man act “And good riddance! My boy’s spawn would leave you bow legged for a week!”

Oh this was just golden. This old bloke had some good humor in him. “Ta, ta, come now uncle, from the stories I hear back in your day the ladies couldn’t even walk for a week.” He turned back to the other ladies. “Unlike him, I am gentle…and filthy rich, did I mention that already?” he said as he casually downed another alcoholic beverage of some sorts.

Aanndd they ran off.

“Hmm… I do think, my dear uncle, we should find ourselves a better qualified wing man. This was just terrible, horrible, unimaginably despicable. Honestly, this never happens to me. And, by the way, since when do these girls no longer fall for the ‘I am filthy rich’ trick? Eh, you don’t think they’ve suddenly grown a brain and, Force forbids, principles?... Oh the horror!” He hiccoughed slightly… Perhaps he should lay off the drinks for now…

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A JP brought to you by Dexon and Luke! Thanks Andrew :-)

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Re: Episode 2: My Kind Of Party

Postby Melissa Richards » Sun Aug 17, 2014 6:05 pm

And off Tav went to find the scientist.

Stalker meanwhile moved several steps behind continuing to observe the layout and anyone that might be a threat. Her eyes took in the aloof Imperials as they walked around adding an air of 'self importance' to the event, while the rich and clueless went about their little games. It was all a game to many of them. Seeing who could out-impress the next person. Always the idea that one had to have what the other didn't.

Shadow briefly wondered what her life would have been had the weak Jedi never fallen. If they'd had the strength to stand. She'd be one of them now, using her skills to save the innocent and keep the peace. Not working for herself and keeping a low profile in places like this. The Rebellion was in effect, the last gasp of the Republic trying to overcome what it surely couldn't. Palpatine and Vader ruled all. There was no going back, and likely this little team would be executed and a memory before the year was out. She'd stay till she felt it wasn't worth the payout anymore, then disappear into the shadows, hence her working name..

Tav was flashy, open. She gained the attention of a lot of looks. Several leering eyes on her.

Which was good because hardly any eyes were on Sayana herself. A bodyguard, one of many. Nothing impressive about her.

What would they think if they knew she could kill everyone in this room in a matter of seconds? A viper in the waiting...


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Re: Episode 2: My Kind Of Party

Postby T-Prime » Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:53 pm

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