After Mission One Before Mission Two

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Melissa Richards
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Re: After Mission One Before Mission Two

Postby Melissa Richards » Sat Aug 23, 2014 1:21 am


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Re: After Mission One Before Mission Two

Postby KendleRJ » Sat Aug 23, 2014 4:35 pm

But, he had mentioned something else. The red alert claxon. "Keth, you're telling me the red alert makes your head hurt and ears as well?" Jill looked at Nav wondering if that might be the pinpoint that set a lot of this off. "Would it help if we could tone down or change the frequency level of that sound? Do you feel that might be what set you off in the first place?"

Nav wasn't sure what might have set him off, but what she was quite sure about was where he was now. His answer to Jill would be telling indeed, but she would have to counter his suggestions quite immediately.

"No, Keth." Nav said it firmly but quietly. "I can't do my job in Engineering if I'm trussed up in a bubble." She looked up at him. "I can't do my duty, Keth. No matter how much I'd like to stay safe, duty comes first. I made the decision to come out into space, just like you." Nav kept her voice soft and level, and kept on talking in the same soothing tone. "We're on this ship together. All of us. We joined Starfleet, chose duty and honour, and are doing that aboard a starship instead of remaining in more relative safety back on our home planets." She grabbed a hand/paw and held it tightly. "I rely on you, Keth. And I rely on Dr. Vodden. And everyone else aboard the USS Legacy. You're a part of the crew, of my crew, and I hope you can rely on me too. Because there is no one else except for us, as a crew and as a team."

She sighed and paused thoughtfully. "Keth, the only time someone gets put into the Brig is if they did something wrong. And not even a little wrong, but a lot wrong. Like you were a danger to yourself or to the crew." She kept a hold as much as he'd let her. "Please tell me how that happened."

~Tags Jill / Keth

((OOC - Break it up as you need to...))
USS Legacy
Ensign Navkiran Khangura - Engineering


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Re: After Mission One Before Mission Two

Postby Sjet » Sat Aug 23, 2014 7:45 pm

"I was doing my job!" Keth said, sounding less frustrated and more exasperated by his current situation than anything else.

"When we got attacked by the Romulan's a lot of people were getting hurt! So many! To many." he stated firmly, looking at Nav with a disturbingly honest tone to his voice "The Romulan's were doing that. For whatever reason they had decided to do what they did, to hurt as many people as they could to further their own aims. As a doctor my goal is to ensure that people are healed from their injuries, but in this situation the only way to ensure more people were not injured was to remove the cause. You can give a Elder painkillers all their live long days, but unless you set the broken tail the injury will persist until it festers. Removing the Romulan's from the equation was the quickest means by which to save as many lives."

Keth frowned, looking down at his paws.

"Nav I thought they had murdered you. Thats a new word for me, one I had to learn when I came here. Its one of the words I'm not in a hurry to tell the rest of Huan society about. All this violence, call the big disagreements in your histories 'wars', yes? All of the 'wars' you have had in your histories...I do not want to see one." he said softly, before looking up "I wanted to end the cause of this small 'war'. Because I do not want to lose anymore of my friends to them than I have. I was put here because, for all of your Federations supposed moral superiority, you lacked the ability to commit the one to save the many. I will not lose friends because others see no value in cooperation instead of eradication."


"Doctor Voddy...I do not think you will want me in sickbay anymore." he said in a very small voice, again looking to his hands "And, and if you do not I am fully in understanding of that. I have been transferred many times during my brief time with Starfleet due to, misunderstanding of your society and hierarchical social structure. And I am sure Capitan Cindy will back you opinion. And that is alright because I did not unpack my bags so I can leave when it is convenient."

Keth looked to Jill with big green eyes, polished it seemed to a sheen with unshed tear.

"I did learn a lot from you your patience with me was not a total waste of your time." he said with a smile.

TAG-Jill: feel the guilt! FEEL THE GUILT!

Ensign Keth Soabn
USS Legacy
Ensign Keth Soban, Medic on the USS Legacy

Fellow Crew Injured By Keth: X X


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Re: After Mission One Before Mission Two

Postby KendleRJ » Sun Aug 24, 2014 12:11 am

"Keth," Nav said softly. "I understand." It might not have been the best thing to say, but honesty was important. And she did understand. Far too well. "I'm not arguing against your motivations or your intent, but the ends don't always justify the means." Killing to stop more killing... skewed logic, but it was how humanity had gotten to its own place with the very wars that the Huanni had hoped to avoid. "Conflict is what allows growth, change and unfortunately, technological advancement." She sighed and placed her hands on top of his for a moment.

"Cooperation is the key. Between us all," Nav said. "I'm sure you didn't want to stop a potential war by starting one, did you?" she asked gently. "Because taking things into your own hands without having all the facts, could have done just that." Saving his friends, but killing others... she wasn't sure if that was better, or worse. It hadn't been the red alert; it had been what had happened to her.

"You didn't even talk to Dr. Vodden," she said softly. "Your heart is in the right place, but you aren't the only one on the ship." Nav grasped his arm. "We all have to work together, do our part, to help, to overcome... to survive. You are not the one to sacrifice yourself. And you're not the only one who wants to help. We ALL do." Did he somehow think that he had the only answers to what was happening? Or what had happened?

"I'm an Engineer, and what I can do in that area, along with the rest of Engineering, is what I do." She swept a hand at Dr. Vodden and then at Keth. "And you're medical, so in Sickbay... that's where you can help the most. It's what you do. Security does their job, Science does theirs... everyone has a place aboard to do their part towards a common goal. Cooperation." She stood up at her tallest. "But if we all decided not to do that, to take it all into our own hands... do what we each believe to be the 'right thing'... then there would be no cooperation, no common goal, and then there would be no ship. We follow the Captain's orders, and she can't be everywhere, so she gives her orders to our Department Heads, and then they give their orders to us. In one long chain, so that we all work together." She didn't really want to think about her own personal jaunt into insubordination.

"You didn't have to be the one to save the many." She tried to say something before he turned to the Doctor. "I won't lose friends because they don't see their own intrinsic value."

Tags Jill / Keth

((Awwww.... that's the cutest manipulative cat I've ever seen!))
USS Legacy
Ensign Navkiran Khangura - Engineering


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Re: After Mission One Before Mission Two

Postby T-Prime » Mon Aug 25, 2014 9:29 am

TK strolled into the brig to check the status of the prisoner. The nurse in Sickbay had indeed continued to object to him leaving his bed, but did not physically try to restrain him, so TK hadn't been required to hurt the man.

Needless to say he was unimpressed by what he saw. He checked the logs to be sure. The visit, as he suspected, was authorized, but the Huanni had not been formally released.

TK was about to make a condescending comment about how prisoners and visitors should remain on opposite sides of the cell door when he noticed Nav, partially obscured by the prisoner's thick fur. Her name had been on the repair order for the phaser array. TK had to admitted that for a quick patch job, it was doing better than the original assembly. He wouldn't fully trust them again until they had overhauled the entire system and conducted a full battery of stress tests, but her competence had earned her a few minutes of leeway.

TK crossed his arms, leaned against the bulkhead, and kept his mouth shut for the moment.

Melissa Richards
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Re: After Mission One Before Mission Two

Postby Melissa Richards » Mon Aug 25, 2014 10:10 am


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Re: After Mission One Before Mission Two

Postby Sjet » Tue Aug 26, 2014 8:07 pm

Keth was...confused.

To be fair it had been a big day for the Huanni: a battle, the grief of loss, and the joy of making a new best friend in the form of TK, and then the joy of a returned friend. Keth hadn't been this mentally stimulated since someone had shown him that humans possessed the ability to make sounds more or less loud with a press of a button! That alone was pretty amazing, though the reasons behind needing to do such a thing baffled him. Surely the humans could selectively edit what their brains processed as sound much like he could? Keth watched Jill talk to him, hearing and not hearing what she was saying through the same bizarre survival trait that had helped curb the Huanni species from over population countless times in its past.

After all if you sleep in a tree surrounded by razor bats and tune out their warning screeches to get some sleep, then you deserve to be made into a blooded mess on the forest floor on behalf of evolution..

He reviewed the cliff notes version his brain had picked up as he wondered about the miracle of volume control: the crew depended on him in some fashion, leaving sickbay was not something he was allowed to do, be prepared at all times for something, and only run off if it's an order or to assist a patient. So was he the morale officer now? And sure he could move his stuff to sickbay, but where would he put all of his souvenirs? And what something? Was it a good something like cake? Or a bad something like waking up in a tree full of razor bats? And running around everywhere was going to get tiring real fast.

But Doctor Jill Vodden was Keth's boss, so he would follow her exact words...or at least the words his easily distracted brain had jotted down in poorly written short hand.

"I understand Doctor Voddy." Keth nodded in understanding, or at least the cheap off brand version of understanding, and then looked at Nav "And...thank you. For coming back from the not so dead, as it appears. And one day I hope I earn you respect, after this incident, that you might show me where their chain is stored on the ship. I would imagine its under the deck plates somewhere, to help people move around whilst following the 'chain of command'."

TAG-Nav, Jill

"OH! New best friend! OH-oh!" Keth said eagerly, waving a long arm as though calling out someone's name in a crowded bar. Which, considering their were five people total in the brig (Keth, Jill, Nav, TK and the Brig watch officer) made the announcement very loud and obvious. Keth smiled broadly at Nav and Jill "Have you met TK yet? He' some sort of Starfleet ninja, or at least I think he might be but then he'd have to kill me for telling you that he is one."

Keth suddenly went quiet, ears flat against his head as he paws shot up to cover his mouth, making a muffled 'Don't kill me!' squeak at TK.


Ensign Keth Soban
USS Legacy

HA! Beaten the odds again! This is perhaps the longest Keth has stayed in a single department in any game he's been written into.
Ensign Keth Soban, Medic on the USS Legacy

Fellow Crew Injured By Keth: X X


"I will eat your soul :3"

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Re: After Mission One Before Mission Two

Postby T-Prime » Tue Aug 26, 2014 9:09 pm

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Re: After Mission One Before Mission Two

Postby Iar Edra » Wed Aug 27, 2014 9:43 pm

Aislinn walked out of Sickbay. She'd gotten a brief check-up after bringing the Laramie back, due to the inherent danger of the mission. Fortunately, she didn't have any injuries, so the doctor had released her, with a reminder that she should return for a full base-line check-up that all the crew members had to go through. It reminded her how last-minute her appointment aboard the Legacy had been. She assured the ensign doctor that she would be back to see Dr. Vodden first chance she got.
In the meantime, she wondered what she would do now that their first mission was complete. Lt. Baldwin had dismissed her for the rest of the shift, given the events. Well, first, she thought, a bath was definitely in order. So she headed for her quarters. Maybe she'd wander around her new home once that was done. There were recreational areas that she should definitely get to know better.

<tag: anyone who wants to come across Aislinn>
Dr. Varina Hightower--CMO--USS Legacy

Melissa Richards
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Re: After Mission One Before Mission Two

Postby Melissa Richards » Thu Aug 28, 2014 10:38 am


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